Customized Group Coaching for Your Organization
Why This Customized Series for Your Unique Needs?
Is your organization optimally prepared for your best current and future performance? Are you comfortable with your current strategic planning and implementation efforts? Do you get out of the weeds enough to see what is happening with you and your organization? The opportunity for constructive improvement is now at the top, and these customized group coaching sessions will help drive your personal, professional, and organizational success! Systems drive business, leaders organize and lead people, executives are responsible for these concepts, and managers implement them with profitability. Synchronized collaborative teamwork is essential for success in your organization. Investing in Executive, C-suite, and managerial levels for continued success is more important than ever.
These individuals drive organizational success, developing strategy and direction for results now and for the future. These individuals drive vision, mission, team values, and purpose! Developing highly productive business teams to achieve the best results is required in uncertain times, from where you are to where you want to go. Frankly, we must do more with what we have. Optimization is the opportunity for you and your organization now. Show your high-level teams you are serious about their professional development and invest in them now. Investing in the Executive, c-suite, and managerial levels is a great idea and necessary.
If you are not engaged in proven quality, outside support, and training at the Executive, C-suite, and managerial levels, you may become blind to future challenges. These are the people responsible for direction and focus. We developed these units for you and your organization to thrive and execute for the best results and teamwork.
Duration and Meeting Expectations/Deliverables
We will meet once per-month for 2 hrs. via technology or in person as applicable. Meetings may include Zoom (or equivalent), phone, or in-person. PTPEC includes 24/7 reasonable accessibility with telephone or email. This level of coaching commitment is unique to this engagement. Reasonable return communication response expectations apply. You will take notes as needed, and detailed meeting highlights and action steps for your success are articulated, and most are self-assigned. Depending on the meeting structure, action steps may vary in number for each session.

Coaching Type: High-Level Individualized Coaching
Time: One Meeting per Month – Two (2) Hours
In-Person at the Catalyst Leadership Dynamics Training Center, and online participation offered for convenience.
Each Series includes a customized Binder, and Materials, PowerPoint per session, access to Coach during series, Case Studies, Book Summaries
Customized and Designed as a Company Cohort Group Series This series is offered in person and online for convenience. Suggested Limit : max of 12 Participants for maximum value.

Course Highlights
This series is designed to develop multiple skill sets and directly improve Executive, Managerial, and team performance. Three fundamental principles are presented in the series. Individual skillset knowledge, team performance development, and enhanced execution with attention to results are of primary focus. The format is quickly paced with dynamic content, feedback, and accountability through self-assigned action items.

Who Should Participate
Executive, Executive Candidate, C-Suite, Director, and Managerial level team members looking to improve personal, professional, and organizational skills, build/support better teams, and deliver substantially improved results should participate. Content topics and materials support advanced principles and implementation techniques blended appropriately.

Our Three-Role Approach
1.) Coach by actively and carefully listening to understand.
2.) Coach by asking open-ended questions.
3.) Coach by making observations and challenging you based on what YOU have identified as important.

Learning ObjectiveS
Each unit in this series is designed with clearly defined learning objectives for all participants. All units end with time set aside for participants to articulate action steps and implementation expectations and deliverables they have uniquely identified as they move forward.
YOU will learn to: Develop strong strategic thinking skills that transfer into strong team implementation tactics for improved results. Learn to win at a higher level and crush it! Website adjustments from Jeff Recognize dysfunctions that create roadblocks to your organizational success you might not be aware of currently. More importantly, you will learn techniques and take action to remediate your blind spots in these foundational areas. Enhance your position of authority without coming across as demonstrative or overly bossy. Lead without enforcing your position of authority. You will increase your Emotional Intelligence. Recognize and understand the four primary behavioral modalities in yourself and others on your team. Learn how to best work with these behaviors for maximized results. Improve your communication skills. Build better relationships and build dynamic result producing teams while having fun together! You will maximize your Personal Effectiveness. Enhance company culture and develop structured, positive change to pivot to our changing business environments. Build teamwork and maximize results. And so much more… The training topics below have been implemented with many organizations similar to yours and are customizable for your unique needs. Customized Content Designed For Your Teams: Create your customized series now with Catalyst Leadership Dynamics:
*Self-Discipline, Focus, and Decision Making
*Thinking Strategically and at a Higher Level
*Personal Effectiveness 360 Balance
*My 360 illuminated it. Now it’s time to fix my #@%&!
*My Weaknesses Include Relationship Building and Social Intelligence
*Self-Awareness Details that Matter Emotional Intelligence, YOU, and Those Who Pay The Price
*My Internal Confidence
* My Innovation and Personal Growth Strategy
*Strategic Planning Model for Your Business
*Positive Psychology, YOU and Business
*Leadership Deliverables that Matter
*You Are Always Selling Something, Do It Correctly Get Traction,
*Use Your 90-day Action Plan with Discipline
*Communication Skills and Conflict Management
*Persuasion and Influence
*My Marketing Plan Moving Ahead
*360 Me, Yikes, a concept for proper awareness!
*Things I Must Do Now to Succeed
*When My Gut Says…
*Fundamentals and Collaboration
*Shaping Culture and Organizational Change
*Business Systems for Better Results
*The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team and, yes, YOU
*Power Competency Management Skills that Matter
*Teamwork and Innovation
*Executing for Results
*Customer Service Strategies for Success
Work in a Professional, Confidential and Non-Judgmental Environment
From the start, we will assume you have most of the answers. Our role is to help YOU discover the answers. At an appropriate time, we will share my thoughts and suggestions based on personal experiences, both professional and personal. Together, our focus will be based on results, performance, and learning potential.
This is NOT about changing your personality. Coaching allows you to gain different communication strategies and strengthen your emotional intelligence. To be clear, this engagement is NOT about peak experiences or quick fixes. This IS primarily a one on one engagement and requires relatively long-term commitment from both of us for best results.
We commit to the highest level of confidentiality. The specifics of our work together is strictly confidential.
The Professional Business Coaches Alliance is our governing body.

About Jeff Rogers
Certified Master Business Coach & Founder
Certified as a Professional Business Coach, Jeff instructs new business coach candidates through the Professional Business Coaches Alliance. Responsibilities include ongoing program development and training for international membership.
As an Adjunct Professor of Practice at Syracuse University Whitman School of Management, Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprise, Jeff instructs Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Jeff works with students to develop personal awareness and establish a foundation in entrepreneurship moving forward in life.