Premium Thinking Partner Executive Coaching
Why Choose Premium Thinking Partner Executive Coaching?
Very often, top leaders need the ability to think out loud and bounce ideas for clarity. However, they lack a qualified independent voice to work with, and the intended results could have been better if they had. Premium Thinking Partner Executive Coaching enhances this ability and force multiplies results, personally, professionally, and organizationally. CLD executive coaches work as your greatest cheerleader. Still, when doing their best work, they irritate you with what you might not see clearly and support your next right decision and actions with accountability. This trustful and confidential relationship enables professional development healthier personal achievement, and strengthens business performance and bottom-line results. Together, we will work through essential and pressing matters. As a high-level Executive, you will use your CLD coach as your sounding board to bounce and refine thoughts and ideas.
Very often, it gets lonely at the top, but it does not have to be that way! Many executive leaders use thoughtful high-level coaching as a check and balanced approach to decision-making and support. To have a non-emotionally attached, insightful, and nonjudgmental thinking partner who is not a “Yes Man” is of the highest value.
Duration and Meeting Expectations/Deliverables
We will meet twice per-month for 1.5 hrs. via technology or in person as applicable. Meetings may include Zoom (or equivalent), phone, or in-person. PTPEC includes 24/7 reasonable accessibility with telephone or email. This level of coaching commitment is unique to this engagement. Reasonable return communication response expectations apply. You will take notes as needed, and detailed notes are delivered within 48 hours of the meeting time. Your meeting highlights and action steps for your success are clearly articulated, and most are self-assigned. Depending on the meeting structure, action steps may vary in number for each session.

Coaching Type: Thinking Partner
Session Duration: 1.5 Hours
Schedule: Two meetings per month
In-Person at the Catalyst Leadership Dynamics Training Center, and online participation offered for convenience.
Tools & Materials:
Assessments, Diagnostics, Meeting Tools, Client Support Materials, Situational Support Tools. The tools and materials that will be provided to you are confidential and proprietary for your use only. Accordingly, you agree to hold the tools and materials in confidence and in trust. Tools are not to be duplicated or loaned to others for any reason.
Phases of the coaching engagement included in 12-24 month framework minimum. Many engagements are on going in duration. Intro/Discovery, assessment, goals/desired outcomes, clarity, coaching sessions and other optional tools and processes for your development.
Premium Executive Coaching Engagement Details

Foundational Principles
Coaching VS. Therapy or Consulting: Coaching is about the present and future. Therapy is about today and the past to understand and resolve issues and relationships. Consulting focuses on specific deliverables. Coaching is about strengthening competencies for managing personal/professional performance, better executive health and improving bottom line business results.

Who Should Participate
This is the most in-depth level of support. Thinking Partner Executive Coaching is reserved for those operating at the highest levels of mid-sized to large-scale organizations. For the top-level leaders who want to ensure they are effectively leading their teams and setting the right goals. This type of coaching is deep and requires a lot of personal honesty, reflection, and willingness to do the work.

Our Three-Role Approach
1.) Coach by actively and carefully listening to understand.
2.) Coach by asking open-ended questions.
3.) Coach by making observations and challenging you based on what YOU have identified as important.

Learning ObjectiveS
From the start, I will assume you have most of the answers. My role is to help YOU discover the answers. At an appropriate time, I will share my thoughts and suggestions based on my personal experiences both professional and personal. Together, our focus will be based on results, performance, and learning potential.
Work in a Professional, Confidential and Non-Judgmental Environment
From the start, we will assume you have most of the answers. Our role is to help YOU discover the answers. At an appropriate time, we will share our thoughts and suggestions based on personal experiences both professional and personal. Together, our focus will be based on results, performance, and learning potential.
This is NOT about changing your personality. Coaching allows you to gain different communication strategies and strengthen your emotional intelligence. To be clear, this engagement is NOT about peak experiences or quick fixes. This IS primarily a one on one engagement and requires relatively long-term commitment from both of us for best results.
We commit to the highest level of confidentiality. The specifics of our work together is strictly confidential.
The Professional Business Coaches Alliance is my governing body.

About Jeff Rogers
Certified Master Business Coach & Founder
Certified as a Professional Business Coach, Jeff instructs new business coach candidates through the Professional Business Coaches Alliance. Responsibilities include ongoing program development and training for international membership.
As an Adjunct Professor of Practice at Syracuse University Whitman School of Management, Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprise, Jeff instructs Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Jeff works with students to develop personal awareness and establish a foundation in entrepreneurship moving forward in life.